Lior Steinberg
Lior Steinberg

Lior Steinberg




09:00–01:00 GMT+3


Sunday, 29.09

3.2° C
Experience @Circo 09:30–11:00 GMT+3

On the Steps of Jane Jacobs: A Walkshop

Lior Steinberg

Jane Jacobs (1916–2006) revolutionized the world of urbanism. She published in 1961 The Death and Life of Great American Cities against the expansion of expressways and roads. Her book became a cornerstone of new urbanism, as it lays the foundation for how human-scaled, people-friendly neighborhoods should be built. In this walk, we’ll look for the elements Jacobs claimed are so important for liveable neighbourhoods. The twist? The tour guide is not a local, and he’s not going to bore you with dry historical details. Instead, he’ll share his knowledge about Urbanism & Jane Jacobs. Together, you will explore Jacob’s principles for better cities function in the Romanian capital.


→ Family-friendly | All ages welcome!
→ Registration for this experience has closed. We encourage you to join other workshops that are first come, first serve.

Talks @Auditorium 16:00–16:40 GMT+3

We Are Addicted to Cars, but There’s a Way out of It

Lior Steinberg

Is driving the new smoking? Urban planner and Humankind co-founder Lior Steinberg looks at how our society has become so obsessed with cars, and how we can use culture and early-life education to reverse this trend. Be prepared to reconsider your routine after this talk on reinventing mobility, planning for our children, and investing in better cities.



09:00–19:30 GMT+3


Sunday, 29.09

3.2° C
Performance @House of ideas 15:00–15:30 GMT+3

The Car That Wanted to Be a Bike, book-reading

Lior Steinberg

Let’s change the way our children view cities and mobility. Bring yours to listen to The Car That Wanted to be a Bike, an illustrated book about the joy of cycling and the future of cities, read by its author, urban planner and Humankind co-founder Lior Steinberg. Follow Johnny, a lovely and friendly car, on his journey to become… a bicycle.


→ Family-friendly | All ages welcome!

→ No pre-registration necessary | First come, first seated